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Parashara Light 6.1 Free Download For Windows 7 Eilyxav


Parashara light 6.1 free download for windows 7 Chi software set of software and database for the analysis of the natal chart, the subject of the analysis, the planets, and the birth chart of every person, the periodogram, the chart of life, the chart of destiny, the Eastern astrology, etc. An indispensable part of the natal chart and, in general, astrology. The main features include: 1. East-west, a multiple time zone for most locations around the world. 2. Singular visualization of the birth chart, the periodogram, the chart of life, the Eastern astrology, etc. 3. Graphical display of the cyclic aspects, the current situation of the birth chart, etc. 4. 32 bit system independent, open source. 5. Database of 70,000 single entries and 120,000 . Parashar light 6.1 free download for windows 7 Parashar light 6.1 free download for windows 7 User manual: English |  Simplified Chinese. This manual is meant for beginner. On the other hand, advanced users may refer to the manual that is available in the “support” section of the web site. All in all, we have made an extensive manual, not only for the new version, but also for the version 6.1. There are a lot of photographs that can guide you. Now let's take a look at what is new in version 6.1. - changes in the language used. Texts and descriptions have been rewritten in a modern form, modern and simple. - removed the menu, as it was not necessary. In version 6.1, the program has a menu bar with eight buttons: the planet, the current date, the birth date, the full moon and the new moon, the cusp, the IC and the sun sign, the day and the year, the menu of the main menu, and the option to open the database. The program has three buttons that open the database, and the menu bar is the principal window. A new feature is that you can drag the buttons to change the order in which they appear. - removed the calendar, as it was not necessary. Version 6.1 does not have a calendar. The date and the time are displayed in the general window. - Removed the solar symbol in the window. At the top right of the window, there is now be359ba680

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